Hello dear friends,
I am in love with Cecelia Louie's cards designs, with her simple and yet so amazing lines, twirls, swirls and spirals. She has a unique style in quilling, "a bit unorthodox" in Cecelia's own words and it was love at first site! I tried to imagine how all those beautiful quilled shapes are coming to life and, like in a dream which comes true, last year I found out that Cecelia will be the author for "Pretty Quilled Cards: 25+ Creative Designs for Greetings and Celebrations" with instructions for making cards and other beautiful paper projects. So, my little quilling library became greater with this book, which was a birthday present from my husband:)
I love this book and I feel that is a "must" for all quillers, beginners or advanced, because is filled with so many awesome tips and techniques, very detailed instructions for different quilled shapes, all illustrated with very good pictures. I learnt a lot of new things about quilling!
I especially loved the gluing tips she shares because I often misshaped my scrolls with a too deep glue puddle :)
Each project of the book has a list of components, a skill level and measurements for the paper strips used. You will find, too, the indications of the exact point for folding, cutting or pencil mark.
In the same time the making of the components has a very detailed description in words, actual sized diagrams and sometimes pictures. And you will find a picture with the finished project, too.

All the instructions are so well written and illustrated that are more than easy to follow. You only need a piece of card stock, the paper strips necessary for the project and by using Cecelia's "recipe" your card will be ready in no time!
I just love all the projects in the book and already made a few of them, but my first try was the new baby card. I liked very much the flourishes from inside the rattle and the lovely bow for the handle. In the book you will find a pretty color background with photocopy instructions for this card and for many others.
"Pretty Quilled Cards: 25+ Creative Designs for Greetings and Celebrations" is one of my favorite books and the techniques, ideas and quilled shapes contained in it are opening a lot of new perspectives in quilling and in the same time is a great inspiration for all quillers.
Thank you very much, Cecelia, for all the time and effort to put together a so beautiful and detailed book, with so clear and easy to understand and follow instructions! And for sharing a lot of secrets from behind the scene of making your amazing cards. I was very happy and in the same time very touched by your request of writing a review for your book.
Wish you all a wonderful week!
I just love all the projects in the book and already made a few of them, but my first try was the new baby card. I liked very much the flourishes from inside the rattle and the lovely bow for the handle. In the book you will find a pretty color background with photocopy instructions for this card and for many others.
"Pretty Quilled Cards: 25+ Creative Designs for Greetings and Celebrations" is one of my favorite books and the techniques, ideas and quilled shapes contained in it are opening a lot of new perspectives in quilling and in the same time is a great inspiration for all quillers.
Thank you very much, Cecelia, for all the time and effort to put together a so beautiful and detailed book, with so clear and easy to understand and follow instructions! And for sharing a lot of secrets from behind the scene of making your amazing cards. I was very happy and in the same time very touched by your request of writing a review for your book.
Wish you all a wonderful week!
Buna Kiddo, bine ca ai revenit! Imi era tare dor de tine.
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